Apr 12, 2023

November 20, 2017

Almost all of the new INFINITI cars and SUVs sold at our store feature premium leather seats, which will cost you more than cloth ones. As such, keeping them in pristine condition should be at the top of your list. If you’re wondering how to take care of INFINITI leather seats, we have compiled a list of best ways to keep your leather seats and interior clean below.

Vacuum the Seats

Before cleaning your seats and interior gets underway, you’ll want to vacuum up any debris that is on your seating.

Wipe Down the Upholstery

Use a clean, damp cloth to wipe away any dust, dirt or grease. We recommend doing this before applying a cleaner.

Use a Car-Specific Leather Cleaning Product

Find a car cleaner product that is specifically designed for leather car seats. Spray the leather foam generously onto the upholstery. In most cases, 3 to 4 squirts will suffice. Next, wipe the leather seats down with a wet cloth, which will help activate the foam.

Apply a Conditioner

When you’re finished wiping down the leather, apply a leather conditioner by rubbing it into the seats with a soft, microfiber cloth.

By performing the above steps every couple of months, your car’s leather upholstery will stay in excellent shape for many years to come.

If you simply do not have time to clean your leather, we recommend bringing your vehicle to our dealership, and we’ll do it for you! If you have any questions, feel free to contact us.